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Hits Heute: 51
Hits Gestern: 95
Hits Gesamt: 3975741
/admin - shows a window with the last emergency calls of a channel
/admincall ? - shows the last emergency call with activity from you
/admincall [NUMBER] - show the admincall with NUMBER for using oder work with it
/admincall popup - choose between popup and jamesmessage if you get an admincall
/cl - shows a list of the banned chatters in that channel
/cl ![NICK] - annihilates the ban of NICK
/cl [NICK]:[GRUND] - kicks und closes NICK for and from a channel because of [REASON]
/cm [TEXT] - suggests TEXT as the new channels own rules (after that CMs and stammis adjust about that )
/cmc [NICK]:[TEXT] - writes a cm-comment with TEXT in the cm-profile of NICK
/cmute - the same function as /mute
/cmute ![NICK] - annihilates the /cmute of NICK
/cmute [NICK]:[REASON] - forbids NICK utilisation of colours and set a cm-comment with REASON
/fa - shows a list with all admins, who are currently online
/fa [TEAM] - shows a list with all teammembers, who are currently online
/fa [TEAM]:[MINSTATUS] - shows a list with all teammembers with status MINSTATUS, who are currently online
/fa anti-phishing - shows a list with all anti-phishing-members, who are currently online
/fa antiextremismus - shows a list with all anti-extremism-members, who are currently online
/fa bugs - shows a list with all bugs-members, who are currently online
/fa forum - shows a list with all forums-members, who are currently online
/fa foto - shows a list with all foto-members, who are currently online
/fa homepage - shows a list with all homepage-members, who are currently online
/fa hza - shows a list with all hza-members, who are currently online
/fa ideen - shows a list with all idea-members, who are currently online
/fa jugendschutz - shows a list with all child-welfare-members, who are currently online
/fa knuddels-unicef - shows a list with all Knuddels-UNICEF-members, who are currently online
/fa smileytausch - shows a list with all smileytausch-members, who are currently online
/fa verify - shows a list with all verify-members, who are currently online
/fa verknuddelichung - shows a list with all verknuddelichung-members, who are currently online
/fa vertrauensadmin - shows a list with all confidencial-admins, who are currently online
/his - shows all written messages of a channel backwards for 180 seconds
/his [NICK] - Same function like /his, all messages from NICK special marked
/mute - shows a list with all (colour-) muted users
/mute ![NICK] - revokes a mute
/mute [NICK]:[REASON] - NICK can’t write any public message and get a cm-comment with REASON

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